Saturday 17 November 2012

50 Shades of Christmas: Lotto Ticket Cards

Scratch and reveal the hidden message... super easy and super exciting!

First, start with your bases. Templates, if you will. AND (!!) look what I can do now! Find your printables right over here: Fa La La La La HereNaughty or Nice Here!

Okay, so you've printed out those bad boys. 

Time for a little sharpie art. I know, so creative. Feel free to write aaanything your little heart desires inside each round, but make sure it's legible!

Naughty or nice underneath the Christmas tree!

Now take your fresh white crayon (how do I know it's fresh? No one actually uses the white crayon!) and color in all of your spots you want to cover. Aka the naughty, the nice, the fa, and allll the la's. 

Here are our pretty little paint colors, green, red, and sparkles. Now here's the magic trick, mix together 2 parts paint, and 1 part dish detergent. Mix em up and we're ready to paint!

Paint me pretty, sweetheart. Paint, let dry. Then paint with sparkles over top. Oh baby get some glitter up in there!

Make sure you let it all completely dry before you try and scratch. Or else you'll end up with paint covered quarters and no one likes that! (I think... never really been an issue before)

Okay, we're glittery, we're dry, and we're ready to scratch. OKAY GO.

Scratch and let your secrets be revealed! The colored paint washes off a little bit on the white paper, which is why I told you to make sure you wrote clearly!

I think it's super cute! Super easy, and fun for the kids in your life who love lotto tickets!

For more 50 Shades of Christmas, check out my previous posts here!

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